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Mobility projects for higher education students and staff support physical and blended mobility (combination of virtual and physical mobility) between institutional partners.

Student Mobility

Students can take part in the following types of mobilities:

  • study period abroad,
  • a traineeship (work placement, internship) abroad.

Mobilities can be organized during both bachelor and master studies. Student mobilities and traineeships can last from 2 to 12 months in total within one cycle of study.

The open call contains information about study program and study year that students must enroll and/or complete to be eligible to apply for mobility.

The advantages that students who attended a part of their studies on mobility programs gain are numerous:

  • acquaintance with various people and their cultures,
  • learning a foreign language, acquiring new experience,
  • better employment opportunities in the country and abroad.

Going on a mobility program makes a student stand out from others and offers them advantages which are always recognized by successful companies. 

Staff Mobility

Teaching and non-teaching staff can also take part in the mobility such as:

  • a teaching period abroad (only for teaching staff),
  • a training period abroad (for teaching and non-teaching staff).

Particpating in staff mobilities directly impacts the participants professional development as they gain new experience, new contacts, and improve their teaching ability or technical skills, as well as their personal development through travelling and integrating with new cultures.

To see if you’re eligible to apply for a student or staff mobility at ICEPS, check the internal regulations and open calls for Erasmus+ with your home institution.

ICEPS Rulebook on the International Mobility of Students, Teaching and Administrative Staff

ICEPS Academic credit system and Recognition Procedure

ICEPS Grading System

ICEPS Language policy

Inter-Institutional Agreement

In order to be accepted as an Erasmus+ exchange student at ICEPS, you must be a student of a partner higher education institution which has signed Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreement with ICEPS.

To see with which institutions ICEPS has a signed Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreement click here.

Nomination of Participants

Please note that you must be nominated by your home institution in order to take part in the mobility at ICEPS.

Nominations for Spring semester arrivals must be sent to ICEPS before the 15th of October and confirmed by ICEPS by 30th of October, while nominations for Winter semster arrivals must be sent before the 15th of May and confirmed by ICEPS by 31st of May.  

Learning Agreement and Learning Agreement for Traineeships

Before starting their mobility period abroad, students must sign a Learning Agreement for Studies or Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

Learning Agreement ensures that students receive recognition for successful completion of their activities abroad when returning to their home institution.

The agreement has to be accepted by 3 parties: a participant, the host institution (ICEPS) and the home institution.

Agreement can be changed before the start of the mobility, but again it must be accepted by all 3 parties mentioned.

Academic ECTS Coordinator at ICEPS can sign the agreement.  

Mobility Agreement

Staff has to sign Mobility Agreement for Teaching or Mobility Agreement for Training that defines elements of teaching and training abroad and underlines the mutual responsibility for the quality of mobility period.

The agreement has to be accepted by 3 parties: a participant, the host institution (ICEPS) and the home institution.

Agreement can be changed before the start of the mobility, but again it must be accepted by all 3 parties we mentioned.

Academic ECTS Coordinator at ICEPS can sign the agreement.  

Health Insurance and Necessary Health Qualifications

All participants in mobility coming to ICEPS are required to have mandatory health insurance that covers travel days and their whole stay at ICEPS.

Students taking part in a student mobility for traineeship at ICEPS are required to purchase liability insurance as well as accident insurance besides the regular health insurance. 

Students taking part in a student mobility for studies or student mobility for traineeship at ICEPS who as part of the curriculum have professional practice in medical institutions must posses a complete health-hygienic examination, as well as proof being vaccinated against Hepatitis B.

Some medical students as part of their curriculum will be asked to obtain dosimetres as well.

Students taking part in a student mobility for studies or student mobility for traineeship at ICEPS who as part of the curriculum have professional practice in restaurants must posses a complete health-hygienic examination.

After Mobility

After the mobility period ends, ICEPS will issue the Transcript of Records or Traineeship Certificate for incoming students and Letter of Confirmation for incoming staff.

The documents are issued in English within 7 days after completing the last exam (for students who did their study mobility) or within 7 days after the mobility period ends.

Academic Calendar and Courses Catalogue

One study year officially lasts for 12 months from 1st October to 30th September.

The teaching period is divided in two semester – the first semester is between October-January and the second semester between Febaruary and May.

Lectures are not held on weekends, public and religious holidays in Serbia. Participants in the mobility are advised before coming about days off in the semester so they can plan accordingly.   

Exam periods are open each month.

To see the full list of available courses, check our Courses Catalogue

The International Relations Office is available for all participants to support them throughout the whole process – before their arrival, during and after their stay in Serbia.

The International Relations Office and Erasmus Student Network Serbia will assist all incoming student and staff in matters of travel arrangments, visa and residence permits, accomodation etc.

When it comes to living and studying in Serbia you can find more information on our website Living and studying in Serbia.